Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Sakaba Tokiwatei Takatsuki

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01:59 24 Mar 24
Yakiniku restaurant with outstanding cost performance in front of Takatsuki StationTokiwatei Takatsuki store 🍢 All-you-can-eat odenI went because it started❗️All you can eat oden for just 500 yen! ️If you order all-you-can-eat yakiniku, you'll also get all-you-can-eat oden.It's free😮This time I ordered [Tan all-you-can-eat and drink course 90 minutes](4,399 yen tax included)⬇️Menu we received this time⬇️✅ 🍢All-you-can-eat oden✅ Nakaochi ribs✅ Tokiwatei skirt steak✅ Beef tongue✅ Thinly sliced ​​beef tongue✅ Thinly sliced ​​green onion salted beef tongue✅ Chicken Nankotsu✅ Meal beef tongue curry✅ All-you-can-drink tabletop lemon sourLemon sour is 8% so be careful not to drink too much ⚠️I love that you can eat all-you-can-eat ice cream and frozen fruits☺️The recommended way to drink it is with lots of frozen fruit instead of ice❗️The crunchy texture of strawberries, blueberries, and pineappleI enjoyed it😊All-you-can-eat oden is very popular and runs out quickly.I recommend going to pick it up as soon as it's ready.Meal beef tongue 🍛You can also eat it with grilled meat on top of curry.That's good🙆
08:26 24 Dec 23
0 Second Lemon Sour Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Bar Tokiwatei Takatsuki BranchI went to.It's not on the menu, but the offal hotpot at Hormone ShopI ordered the 120 minute course (4,400 yen).All-you-can-drink 0 seconds lemon sour set on the table.You can drink as much beer and highball as you like.In addition to motsu nabe, you can also eat all-you-can-eat yakiniku on a table-order system.I made it into a hotpot after yakiniku. (^^)⠀Geta beef tongue (1,649 yen)The brightly colored tongue is piled high on the geta and is sliced ​​very thinly.It has a slight elasticity which is great.Sendai beef salt hormoneThe offal had no odor, was elastic, and the salty sauce was great.Torimatagi, Beef skirt steak, Nakaochi ribsMotsu nabe Offal, cabbage, chives, garlic, tofuThe offal is light and the soup stock is great.The rice porridge at the end was delicious.Enjoy your favorite drink at the drink & ice cream barYou can make an original drink by adding ice cream.
21:55 28 Nov 23
Good evening ( ̄Д ̄)ノAfter eating the char siu noodles with too many char siu green onions, the two handsome guys will go out to eat in the evening! !The store is located in the Osaka area, and when I arrived at the store I wanted to go to, I found out that it was temporarily closed! ! (;゚Д゚)!It's amazing that it happened on a day like this...There were a few shops in front of Takatsuki City Station that I was interested in, so I moved and visited this one.#0 Second Lemon Sour Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Bar Tokiwatei Takatsuki Branch(2nd floor, 6th Makoto Building, 14-1 Takatsukicho, Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture)Yes, the selling point is the drinkable lemon sour served from a tabletop lemon sour server.It's a very popular shop right now.Me,I'm driving a car, so I can't drink alcohol∈(°θ° )∋In addition to that senior, there is also a junior who is pouring beer from inside the car.Although I was irritated by my junior who couldn't read the atmosphere, I arrived at the store.I would have been fine at another store.Because I can't drink it (´-ω-)|This is my junior,Yoruru Hozaki says he wanted to try it out!Well, since he's dating me, it's ok ranch.Go up to the second floor and enter the store.It's quite spacious inside. Lemon sour servers are installed at every table.I sat down at a table for two and checked the menu.You can drink a lot for 550 yen per person for 60 minutes (register on the app and change it to 90 minutes)! ?Choose your favorite two types of lemon flavor, and then order the appropriate meat and beef tendon stew.When the mug arrives, my junior pours it in front of me.I toast with a soft drink of cola.The ordered meat arrives, grills it, eats it, drinks it, and then pours it again ♬This is fun ♬Yeah, he's definitely fun to drink with.Me, Cola.Murderous intent can easily arise ( ᯣωᯣ )I finished the additional order of Poteriko.The 90 minutes are over.⚫️All-you-can-drink lemon sour x 2, beef and pork hormone salt, salted beef tendon stew, drinkable wagyu beef sukiyaki, umami and green onion salted pork tongue, and poterico total 5,517 yenAfter 90 minutes, the tablet will close the order so that you can no longer place an order.If you're serious about drinking, you might want to change places and go to another restaurant.We drank a lot in 90 minutes, and my junior was hooked.It's a restaurant where you can get drunk enough on your first visit.Next time, I would like to go to the fullest in Kyoto.Thank you very much! !
subi nasubi na
04:24 24 Nov 23
What is 0 seconds lemon sour? Just when I was thinking that, there was a lemon sour server on the table and I was able to make it at my own timing, so it was fun![Sendai style! [Umami Salted Garlic Geta Beef Tongue] is a sushi geta topped with a lot of garlic sauce, and the tongue is thick and has a great impact! I also wanted to try [Meat Loaf Lemon Beef Tongue], but it was out of stock. .The taste was delicious, I enjoyed the tabletop lemon sour, and I wanted to go again ♪
16:56 19 Mar 23
I went to the 0 Second Lemon Sour shop for the first time!Please be aware that lemon sour is 8%; weak people will get drunk after about 2 drinks, and even strong people will get sick if they take it lightly.I asked for an online course, but I didn't get it across, probably because there wasn't enough explanation at the beginning.You can put your luggage inside the round chair. I couldn't find any hangers.The meat was delicious, with thick tongue and skirt steak.The thin tan was subtle.I was a little disappointed that the course I ordered did not include all-you-can-eat kimchi.The negative point was that the item I ordered did not arrive for about 10 minutes.We went with a reservation for 5 people, but it was obviously difficult because there were only 4 seats available.I think it's best to go with 3 to 4 people.

Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Sakaba Tokiwatei Takatsuki's recommend



Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Sakaba Tokiwatei Takatsuki offers a delightful dining experience with a variety of fresh seafood and meat dishes. Located just a short walk from JR Settsu-Tonda Station, this cozy restaurant is perfect for enjoying a relaxed evening with friends or family. The menu features highlights like fresh scallops, raw oysters, and the unique oyster kettle grill. With a wide selection of Japanese sake and a welcoming atmosphere, Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Sakaba Tokiwatei Takatsuki is a must-visit for anyone looking to explore authentic Japanese cuisine in Takatsuki.

Sendai Hormone Yakiniku Sakaba Tokiwatei Takatsuki's infomation


Phone number 072-668-3701
Opening hour

Mon-Fri: 17:00 - 23:00 (L.O. 22:00)
Sat-Sun: 15:00 - 23:00 (L.O. 22:00)

Holiday Tuesday
Budget ¥¥
Payment visa visa amex paypay


Address 〒569-0803 Osaka, Takatsuki, Takatsukimachi, 14−1 第6誠ビル 2F
Google map
Parking lot No